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Shylock Is My Name download

Shylock Is My Name download

Shylock Is My Name by Howard Jacobson

Shylock Is My Name

Download Shylock Is My Name

Shylock Is My Name Howard Jacobson ebook
Publisher: Crown/Archetype
Format: pdf
Page: 288
ISBN: 9780804141321

Shylock is My Name: The Merchant of Venice Retold by Howard Jacobson, 9780701188993, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Shylock is My Name: The Merchant of Venice Retold (Hogarth Shakespeare) eBook: Howard Jacobson: Kindle Store. But Howard Jacobson does, in his stimulating if uneven novel “Shylock is MyName,” a retelling of Shakespeare's “The Merchant of Venice. The Bottom Line: 'Shylock Is My Name' By Howard Jacobson. Shylock is My Name by Howard Jacobson, Hogarth Press, 275 pages, $25. Shylock Is My Name: The Merchant of Venice Retold (Hogarth Shakespeare): Howard Jacobson: 9780345809230: Books - Your Name: Your E-mail: Friend's E-mail(s): +. Stephanie Merritt, The Guardian. Shylock meets his modern doppelganger in the novelist's playful examination of what it means to be Jewish. Buy Shylock is My Name: The Merchant of Venice Retold (Hogarth Shakespeare) by Howard Jacobson (ISBN: 9780099593287) from Amazon's Book Store. The Merchant of Venice Retold (Hogarth Shakespeare). But my agent said that this project was going to happen, and do I have a .Shylock Is My Name is published in February (both Hogarth Press). Buy Shylock is My Name: The Merchant of Venice Retold (Hogarth Shakespeare) by (9781781090282) from Amazon UK's Books Shop.

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